Join University of Memphis athletes, other students and community members in the 12th annual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes in a route west on Central Avenue, circling from the Ramesses II statue on campus to Highland onto Poplar Avenue and back to the statue.
The in-person Walk drew nearly 250 Walkers in 2022. Once again men and boys rallied to join women and girls in ending gender violence, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, rape, harassment and stalking. Borrow women's shoes on-site, bring some or wear your usual shoes --- but show up to declare the urgency of ending violence against women.
It’s the 12th Memphis men and boys walk to show support for women and girls in ending rape, sexual harassment and domestic violence. Organized by the Memphis Area Women’s Council with the University’s Title IX Office and SAPAC (Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Coalition), the walk gives campus and community members a chance to show up and speak out against rampant abuse.
Women’s Council executive director Deborah Clubb said, “The plague of gun violence and other deadly behavior across our community harms persons of all genders, and we acknowledge and grieve for all who are hurt.
“But we will rally Sept. 19 to speak out about the soaring numbers of women, girls and female-identifying persons who are beaten, shot, raped, choked, stalked and killed in our neighborhoods, sometimes by persons who claim to ‘love them,’ and sometimes by vicious, unknown predators.’
Active support from men and boys to help end violence behavior is crucial, Clubb added.
“Whether the danger comes from a sex criminal who happens to be driving around or a boyfriend who wanted his girlfriend to have an abortion or someone trying to steal a car -- all actual deadly incidents -- women and girls cannot protect ourselves from irrational, illegal behavior.
“We cannot hide in our homes.
“We cannot avoid exercise or shopping or going to work or school.”
Show your concern for our safety. Please come to the Walk and recruit men and boys to join!