Support the Women’s Council, Advocacy for women and girls.

By coming together, the many individuals and agencies that are working for the well-being of women and families in our community have a powerful collective voice. Council members receive email reports on news items of interest to women, calls to action on important social policy issues, and invitations to community forums and special events.

Celebrate MAWC’s 20 YEARS!

____ $2,000
____ $1,200
____ $200
____ $120

Join MAWC’s Changemakers’ Circle with a pledge of:

____ $500 for three years
____ $1000 for three years

Become a Sustainer with a monthly pledge of:

____ $10
____ $15
____ $25
____ $40
____ Other

Or make a gift of: 
____ $1,000 Leader
____ $500 Champion
____ $250 Advocate
____ $100 Upholder
____ $75 Supporter
____ $50 Backer
____ Other

Please contact Deborah Clubb at to join.